#Sabnzbd queue repair rar
#Sabnzbd queue repair verification
#Sabnzbd queue repair update
Linux: Update of SABYenc to version 3.1.1 is required.by removing redundant article verification.Improved download performance 10-15% on CPU limited devices.Windows: Download with many par2 sets could get listed as failed.Windows: Unpack could fail if started instantly after previous one.MacOS: Direct Unpack could hang in case of special characters in names.API: Jobs with Force priority should always have status 'Downloading'.API: Number of bytes missing and downloaded could be slightly off.API: Correct listing of downloaded and queued files in 'get_files'.Password file was loaded from disk excessively.Retried jobs would show incorrect download progress.Unexpected behavior when diskspace becomes critically low.Only warn if number of actual passwords is larger than 30.Fix yet another potential stalling issue.macOS and Windows: Installers include Mozilla CA certificates.macOS: No longer linked to system certificate store.macOS: Bundled new OpenSSL version with support for TLSv1.2.API: 'warnings' method now returns array for better handling.API: 'missing' field removed from 'queue', use 'mbmissing'.All dates and times are now time zone independent.Show progress during verification of extra files.Different icon for downloads with Force priority.Refresh-icon in Glitter when refresh rate is above 2 seconds.Series Duplicate Checker can allow PROPER/REAL/REPACK versions.Scheduler can pause/unpause jobs in specific category.URL grabbing can now be individually paused.

Job title from RSS-feed is shown for URLs being grabbed.Slight performance improvement when fetching RSS-feeds.Auto disconnect (if enabled) only after verification of last item.Article-state (which servers are tried) is preserved after restart.